Today, I Pray

Today, I pray…….

I pray for our country (and the world) as a whole.

I pray that this virus goes away as quickly as it came.

I pray for the families that have lost loved ones to this virus.

I pray for the sick, that they would be healed.

I pray that the healthy will stay healthy.

I pray for essential workers, and their safety.

I pray for non-essential workers and the economic impact this virus has on them.

I pray for healthcare workers, for God to give them wisdom, and keep them safe.

I pray for our leaders, as they make the hard decisions.

I pray that one day we will see “normal” again.  Although that won’t look the same.

I pray that we all come out of this better people.

I pray that we will continue to come together as one.

I pray that we will continue to reach out to God, even when things get better.

I pray that we all remain smart in keeping ourselves and others safe.

I pray for God to ease my anxious thoughts.

I pray that I will continue to work on moving from fear to faith.

Today, I pray…...

What do you think?


Hit the reset button........

What sets your soul on fire............