What sets your soul on fire............

I don’t know about you, but as I’ve been “sheltering in place”, I’ve had time to reflect on a few things that I might normally miss when I’m usually caught up in everyday life.  I’ve been spending much more time in my Bible, reading, studying, journaling. I’ve been reflecting on relationships in my life, and what those mean to me. Which relationships are healthy, and which relationships are not.  I sit and reflect on my life as a whole (past, present and future), because we don’t know what this pandemic looks like on the other side. 

Do you remember what your passion was as a child?  What were your goals? What did you want to do with your life as an adult?  I can honestly say that my ideas weren’t always my passion, or if they were it was only for a season.  I wanted to be a florist, a teacher, a psychologist, a medical assistant, a lawyer…….. The point is, my goals changed during seasons of my life.  However, as I reflect on those goals, I think there may have only been maybe one that I can say I was passionate about, and even that passion faded (or became regret).  I love my current job. I think I am pretty good at it, and I am passionate about doing a good job. I don’t think I will ever get bored with that. I’ve been in this field (in some fashion) for most of my life and it’s in my blood.  That makes me passionate about it. However, I have passions outside of my job (in addition to) that I am realizing I want to pursue.

At the beginning of 2020, I chose my word of the year, courage.  My lock screen on my phone reads “I am made of Courage, Compassion, and Commitment.”   I have been determined to find the courage to do other things that set my soul on fire this year.  For those of you who know me, I have really come out of my shell the last few years. I am no longer that shy, reserved, fearful person I once was.  Although, I do struggle with fear and anxiety over certain things, I don’t let it stop me. When I chose my word of the year, it was because I wanted this year to be my year.  The year I really come into my own, and do the hard things, the things that set my soul on fire. This doesn’t mean a career change by any means, this isn’t about a career, really.  It may lead to a side “hustle” so to speak. I welcome that. 

After this time of “sheltering in place”, I’ve had all types of emotions.  I am fearful of contracting COVID-19. I have been through every scenario. What if I die??  While I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I am not ready to leave this world yet.  There are so many things that I want to do before I leave this world. There is so much work I want to do, Kingdom Work!!  

I realize now, more than ever, that we aren’t promised tomorrow.  I have been putting off my dreams, passions, and letting fear of inadequacy get in the way.  Well, no more! I am ready to do what sets my soul on fire. It may get messy, I may fail, but I will not stop, and I will keep trying.  I will continue to put myself out there, because I feel that is what I am being called to do. I don’t want to miss this simply because I kept putting it off…..just because.

Do what sets your soul on fire!!!

What do you think?

What sets your soul on fire, do that.png

Today, I Pray
