Into the Arms of My Father

As a child, I was always a Daddy’s girl.  I wanted to be wherever my Father was, and do whatever he was doing.  If this meant learning to work on a car, or wash a car, then so be it.  I always knew that I was the apple of his eye. I knew he was proud of me, and that he loved me.

Then one day, that changed.  You see, what I learned was his love was conditional.  Late in my teen years I began to date someone that my Father didn’t approve of.  I went from being the apple of his eye, to a disgrace and an embarrassment (his words).  I was devastated, but I didn’t show it. I was determined to put on that strong front as if it didn’t bother me.  I was 19, and I didn’t like to show too much emotion. How could you base your love for someone on something so trivial?  Many years went by with me trying to repair the relationship. I would reach out on birthdays, and Christmas, but he was unmoved.  While he tolerated me if I force myself into his presence, it was obvious he didn’t want to be bothered with me. I went on to marry someone totally different than the person my Father didn’t approve of, but apparently the damage was done.  Even when I tried introducing my husband to him formally, he seemed uninterested.  

I eventually stopped trying to have a relationship with him at all.  I finally felt that after all those years, my part was done. I had made a valid effort, and as far as I was concerned it was his loss in not wanting a relationship with me.  I attended his funeral knowing that he took his feelings with him, and knowing that I had always made my feelings known to him.  

I found comfort in the fact that my Heavenly Father will never leave me, nor forsake me.  My Heavenly Father loves me even so. He loves me no matter what I have done, he extends Grace and Mercy, and my Heavenly Father never stops fighting for me.  That’s what a Father does, and I am so glad I found my true Father, my Heavenly Father. 

What do you think?


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