Praise and(or) Worship................

I attended a Discipleship class recently, and one of the questions was: “What do you think about when you think about worship?”  What an interesting question, right?  Do you think about singing?  Giving thanks?  There were many responses, which led to a discussion on the difference between praise and worship.  It was very enlightening, as I had never considered that before.  Well, if you know me, you know that I couldn’t let that go.  I took my notes from that discussion and kept going.

What is the difference between praise and worship?  While the two words are often used together, and they compliment each other, they are indeed two different things.  

Praise is an expression of approval or admiration.  We can praise people and we can praise God.  When we praise God, we are giving thanks to Him, because He is worthy of our praise.  The Bible is filled with instructions to praise God and examples of doing so.  Some biblical examples include both angels and humans singing, dancing, and shouting.  Praise is an explosion of joy.  Praise is adoration, and thanksgiving. Praise is gratitude to our creator, Father, Savior and Lord.  Praise is a component of worship.  Praise is about God.  Praise applauds what God has done.

Worship is a person submitting himself completely before God.  It is a stance of humility and surrender.  Worship is when a person aligns oneself with God’s will.  Worship is a constant.  Worship is an attitude.  Worship is a proclamation that He alone is worthy.  Worship is to God.  Worship is honoring God for who He is.  

God deserves our praise and our worship.  As believers, we should practice constant worship in our day.  We should always be mindful of the presence of God, and as often as we can, we should praise Him.  This is what God created us for.

What do you think?


Wise words.......

Hit the reset button........