A friend???

What do you look for in a friend?  Is it commonality? Convenience? Loyalty?  Dependability?  

I personally think that loyalty and dependability are very important.  The commonality should already be there. Today, so many people say they are loyal, and dependable, but their actions show otherwise.  Some friendships end simply because the other person no longer has anything to offer them. Other friendships end when it becomes too much of a one way street.  This is why I believe that loyalty, and dependability are the most important traits in a Godly friendship.  

How good are you at being loyal?  It’s not just a word, it’s a lifestyle.  Do you approach life and friendships God’s way, or the world’s way?  If you approach it God’s way, loyalty reflects your covenant to help and support a friend.  Without it, your friendship is not solid.  

Are you dependable?  Can you friend count on you to be there when they need you?  This could simply mean a simple listening ear. It could mean texting each other to simply ask how their day is going.  Face it, that small bit of encouragement can really brighten your day, right?

I also believe that having praying friends is the best.  It is so important to know that you have a group of Christian women by your side, no matter what.  You can not only pray for each other, but you can hold each other accountable. If you are living your life for Christ, then what better way to bond than by studying his word together.  

What do you think?


Are you up for the challenge?

Do you have boundaries?