Do Not Fear.............

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”  2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)    While I understand this, I would be lying if I told you that fear hasn’t gripped me on occasion within the past few days.  Our nation (and really the world) has entered into unchartered territory, and as someone who suffers from high functioning anxiety (and already a germaphobe), the struggle is real.  There have been times over the last few days that I am literally afraid to leave my home. There have been times where I have found myself in tears. I am fearful of catching this virus.  My husband travels as part of his job, and that has definitely sent my anxiety into overdrive. Not only do we face an uncertainty with this virus (COVID-19), but sheer panic has struck our nation.  People are fighting over toilet paper in stores(show grace people). Stores can’t keep their shelves stocked. Businesses are closing. Churches are moving services online. We are called to practice social distancing.  This is all for our well-being(love one another). Let’s do our part to protect one another, and prevent the spread of this virus. We need to protect ourselves, our neighbors, the elderly, and everyone really. The impact on our economy will be substantial, but we are America, and we will come back strong.  

While I am very concerned, and at times a nervous wreck, I am trying to busy myself and calm myself over it all.  I am now limiting my news and social media time. The first few days of this really sent me over the edge listening and reading all of the stories, some real, some fake.  I am going to dedicate the time I normally spend on these activities to spending time in God’s Word, and prayer instead. When we can’t do anything else, we can PRAY! I pray that this will all be over as quickly as it came.  Until then, I will be praying, studying God’s Word, and doing my part in staying at home. 

What do you think?

Deuteronomy 31-6.png


What do you expect?